Marketing Mix Digital Escape Room Q6

This is going so well – our business will be back on track in no time

Again our nosy competitor is trying to hear about your wonderful advice. Therefore, we would like to know which promotional tools that the following images relate to.

We have used a simple code for the six main promotional tools that we are interested in, by simply reversing the alphabet.

So letter A = Z and letter B = Y, and so on. Sorry for the codes, but we are very concerned about our competitor.

Here are the six promotional tools that we are interested in:

  1. Zwevigrhrmt
  2. Hzovh kilnlgrlm
  3. Kvihlmzo hvoormt
  4. Wrivxg nzipvgrmt
  5. Kfyorx ivozgrlmh
  6. Wrtrgzo nzipvgrmt

And here are the six images, can you please work out what sort of promotional tool they are…

Image 1

Image 2

Image 3

Image 4

Image 5

Image 6

Code hint

Rearrange the image numbers to the following sequence – remember that the alphabet has been reversed. So start with the image number that corresponds to number 1 on the following list, and then which image is number 2 on this list, and so on.

  1. Zwevigrhrmt
  2. Hzovh kilnlgrlm
  3. Kvihlmzo hvoormt
  4. Wrivxg nzipvgrmt
  5. Kfyorx ivozgrlmh
  6. Wrtrgzo nzipvgrmt

Enter numerals only with no spaces.

Enter Your Code Below


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