Review Exercises

Using Consumer Panels for Marketing Research

Consumer panels are a key tool in marketing research, widely used for their cost-effectiveness and ability to provide continuous insights. Instead of relying solely on one-time studies, companies often use consumer panels to gather ongoing feedback from selected customers. In this activity, your students will get a good understanding of consumer panels and how they work, as well as why they are widely used and what are their risks and limitations.

Using Consumer Panels for Marketing Research Review the Teaching Activity

Digging Deeper with Consumer Motivation

This activity is all about drilling down on consumer needs to explore the range of underlying motivations for behavior. Students are presented with a series of consumer statements and their task is to look beyond the top-level and to dig deeper into a fuller set of motivations and needs.

Digging Deeper with Consumer Motivation Review the Teaching Activity

Using Different Bases for Market Segmentation

In this activity, students need to segment consumers – based on their comments, attitudes, and behaviors – using demographic, psychographic, and behavioral segmentation bases, to construct three different segmentation structures. Then they need to determine which segmentation structure is the best from a marketing perspective.

Using Different Bases for Market Segmentation Review the Teaching Activity

Understanding Marketing Terms

This activity is for students near the end of studying Marketing 101 (or similar) as it poses a number of clarification and understanding questions relating to research, product mix, consumer needs, and segmentation = a mix of topics, rather than one set topic area. It is also a supplementary activity that leads into Using Different Bases for Market Segmentation.

Understanding Marketing Terms Review the Teaching Activity

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