Setting the Promotional Budget
In this activity, you simply need to match each example provided to the approach that the firm has used in setting/determining its promotional budget.
Setting the Promotional Budget Review the Teaching Activity
In this activity, you simply need to match each example provided to the approach that the firm has used in setting/determining its promotional budget.
Setting the Promotional Budget Review the Teaching Activity
There are a number of other options for the ‘source’ of the firm’s promotional messages. The student task in this activity is to identify which source would probably be the most appropriate for each particular promotional challenge.
Selecting the Message Source Review the Teaching Activity
Sometimes it can be effective for a firm to utilize a celebrity to help promote their product/brand. The student task is to identify whether any of the following firms could possibly benefit from using an ‘available’ celebrity.
Which Celebrity to Use? Review the Teaching Activity
The message appeal also plays a part in communicating the overall positioning for the brand/product. In this activity, students need to select the most appropriate type of ‘appeal’ (refer list below) for each challenge listed.
Selecting the Message Appeal Review the Teaching Activity
Decoding refers to how consumers will understand the marketing communication. In this activity, students need to determine what is the main message for some ambiguous promotional messages.
Decoding Promotional Messages Review the Teaching Activity
Using the information provided, students decide whether the type of firms listed at the end of the discussion should adopt a ‘push’ a ‘pull’ or a balanced/mixed promotional emphasis.
Push or Pull Strategy? Review the Teaching Activity
In this activity, students need to help a bank decide the most appropriate IMC tools mix for a major launch of a new innovative credit card.
IMC Tools for a Major Campaign Review the Teaching Activity
For this activity, student need to determine the three most suitable IMC tools for several businesses with differing promotional objectives.
Which IMC Tools to Use? Review the Teaching Activity
In this activity, students need to choose whether a new furniture manufacturer should set up its own sales team or utilize an established company of sales agents?
Should You Have Your Own Sales Team? Review the Teaching Activity
Removing the middle-man (a wholesaler) from the channel will provide a higher per unit margin for a manufacturer, but will it result in a higher profit overall?
Should We Use a Wholesaler? Review the Teaching Activity