Discussion Exercises

Do We Need Qualitative or Quantitative Marketing Research?

In this task, students are presented with five different marketing problems for businesses operating in various industries. Students need to identify whether the firm would be best informed by using qualitative or quantitative marketing research. This is an ideal exercise to help understand how different types of research tools can deliver different information.

Do We Need Qualitative or Quantitative Marketing Research? Review the Teaching Activity

Marketing Ethics Debate Topics

This activity is a variation of the Marketing Ethics Game (also available of Great Ideas). But instead of a game, students review, discuss, and debate the 10 ethical and social dilemmas. In this situations, students will need to trade-off profits for ethical behavior, the customer experience, and staff satisfaction. Great for in-class discussions and debates.

Marketing Ethics Debate Topics Review the Teaching Activity

Tropicana’s Packaging Case Study

In this activity we are going back to 2009 when Tropicana underwent a significant packaging redesign that did not go as planned. Although this occurred a number of years ago, it is a “classic” case study that all marketing students and practitioners should be aware of. It is especially useful for understanding the importance of packaging, branding, and what drives customer loyalty and repeat (habitual) purchases.

Tropicana’s Packaging Case Study Review the Teaching Activity

Informative, Persuasive, or Reminder Advertising?

In this simple, but quite challenging, exercise students classify ads into the categories of informative, persuasive, and reminder advertising. This is a great task to help students distinguish between these somewhat confusing differences. The “need” for reminder style advertising is also explored.

Informative, Persuasive, or Reminder Advertising? Review the Teaching Activity

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