Discussion Exercises

Misleading Marketing Claims – or Not?

In this activity students review a series of common marketing claims that would be generally considered to be misleading. There are 12 examples to consider, with students making a judgment call on which ones to retain and which ones would be unethical and/or ineffective. A pragmatic approach to understanding marketing tactics.

Misleading Marketing Claims – or Not? Review the Teaching Activity

Does Physical Evidence Matter?

In this exercise, students are presented with 10 trade-offs between two firms – with their only difference being physical evidence. It is designed for students to understand that physical evidence has a significant impact on consumer perceptions and their choice of a suitable offering. A fun exercise for marketing students of all levels.

Does Physical Evidence Matter? Review the Teaching Activity

Do We Need Qualitative or Quantitative Marketing Research?

In this task, students are presented with five different marketing problems for businesses operating in various industries. Students need to identify whether the firm would be best informed by using qualitative or quantitative marketing research. This is an ideal exercise to help understand how different types of research tools can deliver different information.

Do We Need Qualitative or Quantitative Marketing Research? Review the Teaching Activity

Marketing Ethics Debate Topics

This activity is a variation of the Marketing Ethics Game (also available of Great Ideas). But instead of a game, students review, discuss, and debate the 10 ethical and social dilemmas. In this situations, students will need to trade-off profits for ethical behavior, the customer experience, and staff satisfaction. Great for in-class discussions and debates.

Marketing Ethics Debate Topics Review the Teaching Activity

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