Interactive Marketing (Trading) Game
Here is a great learning game to play with your marketing and business students. It is provided free and is highly engaging.
Interactive Marketing (Trading) Game Review the Teaching Activity
Here is a great learning game to play with your marketing and business students. It is provided free and is highly engaging.
Interactive Marketing (Trading) Game Review the Teaching Activity
The centerpiece of decision-making is based around a SWOT planning sheet that is automatically produced and updated as the game progresses. Check out some screenshots of the key components of the planning sheet.
Example Screenshots of the Expert-level Sim Game Review the Teaching Activity
These three escape rooms consists of 10 different challenges, built around a theme of a job interview or being a marketing expert. Each challenge is in sequence and needs to be solved first before the next challenge is released – students cannot skip ahead until they solve the puzzle first.
Digital Escape Rooms for Teaching Marketing Review the Teaching Activity
This is a marketing trivia quiz for students to complete, primarily as an icebreaker or introduction to marketing in the early week/s of classes.
Marketing Trivia Quiz (Kahoot version) Review the Teaching Activity
Return on marketing investment (ROMI) is a commonly used marketing metric in the business world. But addressing this metric from a straight formula/calculation approach can be a little dull. So here is a fun activity that can be a great way of introducing the concept of ROMI.
Return on Marketing Investment Game Review the Teaching Activity
In addition to the range of activities for teaching marketing, we also have lots of other marketing education games and sim games available.
Our Choice of Sim Games Review the Teaching Activity
This page contains the videos for the three related Sim Games on this site – helpful for comparing the games.
Sim Game Videos Review the Teaching Activity
Why are our Sim Games better than other options in the marketplace? There’s lots of reasons – find out more!
Advantages of Our Sim Games Review the Teaching Activity
This 3rd installment in the Sim Game series takes the experience to a whole new level. This game is suitable for advanced marketing students to be played over a semester or term.
Expert-level Marketing Sim Game Review the Teaching Activity
A handy summary table of the key differences between the three main Sim Games available on this website.
Key Differences between the Simulation Games Review the Teaching Activity