Base Sim Game: How to Play Guide
This page contains detailed instructions on how to play the Base Sim Game, which is designed for students of marketing, strategy, and business.
Base Sim Game: How to Play Guide Review the Teaching Activity
This page contains detailed instructions on how to play the Base Sim Game, which is designed for students of marketing, strategy, and business.
Base Sim Game: How to Play Guide Review the Teaching Activity
This is a free marketing Sim Game game (Excel-based), which is both simple and easy to understand, yet complex enough to enable discussion of numerous marketing concepts.
Base Marketing Sim Game (Lecturer Information) Review the Teaching Activity
Given the continued level of interest in the “new” Coke 1985 product replacement, this is a video-based student activity based upon the market factors leading up to the decision.
New Coke Case Study Video Review the Teaching Activity
Do your students agree with KFC’s decision to extend their brand into chicken flavored nail polish? Why/why not?
KFC Edible Nail Polish: Brand Extension (Updated) Review the Teaching Activity
The student activity is based around a video for a brand of healthy drinks called “neuro”. The video shows the brand being promoted using a variety of promotional tools.
IMC Tools: 360 Marketing Review the Teaching Activity
RBW was a small hamburger chain established in the UK in the early 2000’s. Despite a significant financial investment, professional management, the use of branding consultants, and extensive media coverage, the business did not prove to be viable and closed within a few years.
Real Burger World (RBW) Case Study Review the Teaching Activity
The original perceptual map for the iPhone, as presented by Steve Jobs at the 2007 iPhone launch, is presented for student discussion, in terms of strategy, positioning, and innovation.
The Original Perceptual Map for the iPhone Review the Teaching Activity
This student exercise uses a YouTube video that shows Steve Jobs announcing the iTunes phone in 2005, two years before the iPhone. It introduces students to strategic alliances, competitive strategy, capabilities, and the new product process.
Apple’s Initial Phone Strategic Alliance Review the Teaching Activity
Making cluster analysis fun and easy to understand? Sure, why not? This is a good task to get students working with simple data and seeing how market segments can be formed. But note that students will need access to Excel to undertake this activity.
Fun Approach to Cluster Analysis Review the Teaching Activity
This is a visual activity introduces marketing students to the concept of forming market segments using consumer data. It is a very helpful exercise for reinforcing that segments need to be homogeneous, yet distinctive.
Using Scatter Charts for Market Segments Review the Teaching Activity