SWOT Analysis (Free Tool)
This is a free SWOT analysis Excel tool, which is simple and easy to use for students to prepare detailed SWOTs. Also ideal for student assignments and reports.
SWOT Analysis (Free Tool) Review the Teaching Activity
This is a free SWOT analysis Excel tool, which is simple and easy to use for students to prepare detailed SWOTs. Also ideal for student assignments and reports.
SWOT Analysis (Free Tool) Review the Teaching Activity
Return on marketing investment (ROMI) is a commonly used marketing metric in the business world. But addressing this metric from a straight formula/calculation approach can be a little dull. So here is a fun activity that can be a great way of introducing the concept of ROMI.
Return on Marketing Investment Game Review the Teaching Activity
In this activity, students will review the new product development process for the launch of the KFC Zinger sandwich (burger) range in 2017 into the USA market. Students need to consider the role of KFC’s new product and outline the key steps that the firm undertook in their product development process.
KFC Zinger Launch (with video) Review the Teaching Activity
In addition to the range of activities for teaching marketing, we also have lots of other marketing education games and sim games available.
Our Choice of Sim Games Review the Teaching Activity
This page contains the videos for the three related Sim Games on this site – helpful for comparing the games.
Sim Game Videos Review the Teaching Activity
Why are our Sim Games better than other options in the marketplace? There’s lots of reasons – find out more!
Advantages of Our Sim Games Review the Teaching Activity
A handy summary table of the key differences between the three main Sim Games available on this website.
Key Differences between the Simulation Games Review the Teaching Activity
Here is a free Excel PLC tool that you can provide to students, ideal for in-class activities, assignments, or homework tasks.
Product Life Cycle (PLC) Excel Template Review the Teaching Activity
In this activity, students use Kahoot to vote on ten statements with differing views on marketing and then they indicate to what extent they agree/disagree with the statement.
Perceptions of Marketing (Kahoot) Quiz Review the Teaching Activity
This page discusses how the instructor can coordinate and manage the in-class “logistics” of the marketing and positioning Sim Game. This fun and engaging teaching activity is available for free download on this website.
Instructor’s Guide to Running the Base Positioning Sim Game Review the Teaching Activity