Base Sim Game: How to Play Guide
This page contains detailed instructions on how to play the Base Sim Game, which is designed for students of marketing, strategy, and business.
Base Sim Game: How to Play Guide Review the Teaching Activity
This page contains detailed instructions on how to play the Base Sim Game, which is designed for students of marketing, strategy, and business.
Base Sim Game: How to Play Guide Review the Teaching Activity
This is a free marketing Sim Game game (Excel-based), which is both simple and easy to understand, yet complex enough to enable discussion of numerous marketing concepts.
Base Marketing Sim Game (Lecturer Information) Review the Teaching Activity
In this marketing exercise, the students will gain an understanding of the complexity of consumer attitudes by reviewing the output of a multi-attribute attitude model.
Monitoring Consumer Attitudes Review the Teaching Activity
In this activity, students look at the output from a market share (market concentration) spreadsheet and attempt to interpret the results and consider the how it may affect marketing decisions.
Using Market Concentration (Market Shares) Review the Teaching Activity
In this activity, students will review a simple table containing market share and sales information, in order to interpret the marketplace.
Using Market Share Information Review the Teaching Activity
Making cluster analysis fun and easy to understand? Sure, why not? This is a good task to get students working with simple data and seeing how market segments can be formed. But note that students will need access to Excel to undertake this activity.
Fun Approach to Cluster Analysis Review the Teaching Activity
This is a visual activity introduces marketing students to the concept of forming market segments using consumer data. It is a very helpful exercise for reinforcing that segments need to be homogeneous, yet distinctive.
Using Scatter Charts for Market Segments Review the Teaching Activity
This marketing exercise is designed to look at the most valuable brands in the world – as highlighted by BrandZ – comparing the top 10 brands from 2015 to 2021.
Most Valuable Global Brands: 2015 vs 2021 Review the Teaching Activity
In this exercise, students work through a customer lifetime value calculation and explain the individual components, ideal for advanced marketing students.
Customer Lifetime Value Calculation (a step-by-step guide) Review the Teaching Activity
A task for marketing students where they need to interpret the output of a customer lifetime value (CLV) calculation.
Interpreting Customer Lifetime Value Review the Teaching Activity