Price Calculation: Cost-plus Pricing
The task for this activity is to work through the two examples for cost-plus pricing for students to gain a better understanding of this method.
Price Calculation: Cost-plus Pricing Review the Teaching Activity
The task for this activity is to work through the two examples for cost-plus pricing for students to gain a better understanding of this method.
Price Calculation: Cost-plus Pricing Review the Teaching Activity
Pricing decisions will form a key part of the firm’s overall marketing strategy. In this activity, the task is to identify why the firm has adopted their particular pricing approach.
Pricing Objectives Review the Teaching Activity
Students assume the role of a product manager for frozen pizza. They are faced with several strategic choices for which way to grow the product line and its profits.
Product Management Decisions Review the Teaching Activity
For this proposed new snack food product, what is the most appropriate branding strategy? A brand extension, or a multi-brand, and so on.
Which Brand Strategy? Review the Teaching Activity
Firms are usually faced with four broad branding choices, with the key goal of growing brand equity. In this activity, students classify examples to the type of brand strategy.
Line and Brand Extensions Review the Teaching Activity
Why would a large manufacturer want to produce a private label product that will directly compete against their flagship product? Hopefully this activity will provide the answer.
Do Manufacturers Like Private Labels? Review the Teaching Activity
Consumers buy a product solution (the benefits) for their need/problem. In promotional communications, it is important to communicate benefits – not features! In this activity, students will convert features into benefits.
Talk Benefits, Not Features Review the Teaching Activity
This company has an idea to modify the attributes of its existing product. The goal is to try and increase sales. However, there is a risk that sales could actually decrease instead – what do your students think?
Changing Product Attributes – A Good Idea? Review the Teaching Activity
By changing a product’s mix of attributes you effectively create new products, which may provide a unique solution. In this activity, students modify the mix of attributes for a table, in order to meet different needs.
Product Design = Mix of Attributes Review the Teaching Activity
Services have a number of distinct characteristics that create a unique set of marketing challenges for services marketers. The task is to review customer statements to identify the distinguishing service characteristic.
Unique Characteristics of Services Review the Teaching Activity