New Product Concept Generation Using Creativity

This is a creativity exercise where students sort through forced relationships of flavors and product categories in order to identify potential new product ideas for snack foods. It should be a relatively fun and enjoyable exercise for students, as well as demonstrating a good technique for finding new product ideas in a cluttered and crowded market.

New Product Concept Generation Using Creativity Review the Teaching Activity

Which Segmentation Base Should We Use?

In this activity, students review a managers meeting where they outline the various advantages and limitations of different segmentation bases for the purposes of selecting target markets. It is helpful exercise to help students understand the key differences between main bases and how they can impact the target market selection.

Which Segmentation Base Should We Use? Review the Teaching Activity

Successful Repositioning Video Case Study

In this video-based case study students will examine the repositioning of an established brand. In marketing textbooks, we often see repositioning as a “last resort”, but in this case the brand was reasonably well-placed and profitable, but the brand management took a longer term view of the brand and were willing to rethink their strategy.

Successful Repositioning Video Case Study Review the Teaching Activity

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