Repositioning Upwards (Video Case Study)

This case study examines a repositioning campaign for Vita-Weat, which is a brand of crackers in Australia. In this promotional campaign, this brand of “dull” and perceived budget crackers was successfully repositioned to be seen as a gourmet food offering and tapping into the “foodie” culture trend.

Repositioning Upwards (Video Case Study) Review the Teaching Activity

Inept to the Evoked Brand Set (Case Study)

The launch of the Mother Energy brand generated many first-time sales, there were only limited repeat purchases, primarily due to the poor taste of the product. As a result, the brand was placed into the inept set by the majority of target market consumers. As a result, Coca-Cola had to decide what to do with this poor performing brand.

Inept to the Evoked Brand Set (Case Study) Review the Teaching Activity

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