Understanding Marketing Terms

This activity is for students near the end of studying Marketing 101 (or similar) as it poses a number of clarification and understanding questions relating to research, product mix, consumer needs, and segmentation = a mix of topics, rather than one set topic area. It is also a supplementary activity that leads into Using Different Bases for Market Segmentation.

Understanding Marketing Terms Review the Teaching Activity

Quiz: What Area of Marketing are You Most Suited For?

Do you have students asking “What area of marketing should I go into?” It’s a common question for students nearing the end of their studies. Well, here is the solution – a quiz that sorts students into one of 24 profiles and then provides a summary of their work preferences and traits, along with suggested marketing specializations that they should pursue. A great -in-class or take home exercises.

Quiz: What Area of Marketing are You Most Suited For? Review the Teaching Activity

Are Price Discounts Worthwhile?

As we know, sales promotions and discounts are commonly used in supermarket channels. However, do they make a difference? In this activity, students examine different consumer motivations, using an excerpt from a focus group, to identify the type of consumer (segment) that are responsive to sales promotions and why – as well as identifying the long-term impact on a brand, if any.

Are Price Discounts Worthwhile? Review the Teaching Activity

How to Use Cost-Plus Pricing in Marketing

This teaching activity is a more advanced cost-plus pricing activity. If your students have a good sense of the concept, this is an excellent activity for gaining a better understanding of the cost-plus formula and its challenges of implementation. Note: A free (but optional) Excel template for cost-plus pricing formula has been included.

How to Use Cost-Plus Pricing in Marketing Review the Teaching Activity

Difference Between Target Markets and Target Audiences

In this exercise, students will be presented with a mix of target markets and multiple target audiences for a new social initiative. It is a helpful activity for clarifying the difference between target markets and audiences. And it is very flexible, as it can be run as a case study discussion, as a marketing debate, or even a student role-play.

Difference Between Target Markets and Target Audiences Review the Teaching Activity

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