Tropicana’s Packaging Case Study

In this activity we are going back to 2009 when Tropicana underwent a significant packaging redesign that did not go as planned. Although this occurred a number of years ago, it is a “classic” case study that all marketing students and practitioners should be aware of. It is especially useful for understanding the importance of packaging, branding, and what drives customer loyalty and repeat (habitual) purchases.

Tropicana’s Packaging Case Study Review the Teaching Activity

Informative, Persuasive, or Reminder Advertising?

In this simple, but quite challenging, exercise students classify ads into the categories of informative, persuasive, and reminder advertising. This is a great task to help students distinguish between these somewhat confusing differences. The “need” for reminder style advertising is also explored.

Informative, Persuasive, or Reminder Advertising? Review the Teaching Activity

Retail Wars Sim Game

Welcome to the Retail Wars Sim Game! In this Sim Game, student teams will compete against each other in a new and growing retail sector. Each team starts with one store and can grow their retailing empire to 20 stores. As a retailer, students need to make decisions on all 7Ps of the marketing mix each round of the game. A fun and engaging game to play.

Retail Wars Sim Game Review the Teaching Activity

Digging Deeper with Consumer Motivation

This activity is all about drilling down on consumer needs to explore the range of underlying motivations for behavior. Students are presented with a series of consumer statements and their task is to look beyond the top-level and to dig deeper into a fuller set of motivations and needs.

Digging Deeper with Consumer Motivation Review the Teaching Activity

Using Different Bases for Market Segmentation

In this activity, students need to segment consumers – based on their comments, attitudes, and behaviors – using demographic, psychographic, and behavioral segmentation bases, to construct three different segmentation structures. Then they need to determine which segmentation structure is the best from a marketing perspective.

Using Different Bases for Market Segmentation Review the Teaching Activity

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